10 Best Chess Sets With Storage Cabinets

Chess Equipment / By Andrew Hercules

Some chess sets come with chest storage beneath the board. The benefit of chest storage is that the board is completely smooth and flat with no lines running through the middle. Chest storage also raises the board for play or in other cases, the board can be played separately from the chest. It keeps everything together and for this reason is always a good choice.

If you prefer something that can fold and fit more compactly for storage, a folding storage chessboard might be for you. You’ll have to accept the groove that runs through the middle of the board however. Another option is a chess set with a smooth, flat board and separate box or bag storage.

Nevertheless, a chess set with storage can be of good convenience to store pieces. This helps to prevent you from losing pieces and buying spare ones. That is why I’m happy to put together a collection of the best chess sets with storage that may appeal to you. Let’s take a look

Here are the 10 best chess sets with storage in 2022:

  1. Scout Chess Set Combo With Storage
  2. 21″ Ambassador Wooden Chess Set
  3. German Staunton Chess Set Combo With Storage
  4. 19″ English Chess Set with Pullout Storage Drawers
  5. Timeless Chess Set With Storage Box
  6. 19″ Classical Wooden Chess Set
  7. 18″ Indian Wooden Chess Set
  8. Blue & White Alabaster Inlaid Chest
  9. 12″ Magnetic Travel Chess Set in Black and Boxwood
  10. 15″ Wooden Chess/Checker Set

1. Scout Chess Set Combo With Storage

best chess sets with storage

Here’s our recommended chess set combo in the Scout style. While this set is perfect for any age player and skill level, it’s the ideal first wooden chess set. If you’re looking for a complete, affordable wood chess set for the home, this is one of the best. This combo can be configured to your preferred wood colors as well.

The sleek chess pieces blend championship specifications with a minimalist style. In particular the knight is fashionable, yet simple. The pieces are carved by master artisans from quality boxwood and nicely weighted for a fantastic chess playing experience. They are finished with a protective clear stain. Felt bases protect a chessboard and enhance the smooth playing quality. The mahogany wood chessboard is smoothly finished and offers coordinates that help in recording games on chess notation books or replaying and reviewing your own games or those of famous players.

Piece Dimensions

  • 3 3/4″ King
  • 1 3/4″ Base
  • 32 Pieces + 2 Extra queens for that occasional pawn promotion
  • Green felt bases

Ebonized Boxwood is created when Boxwood is specially stained to the black appearance similar to the desirable Ebony wood. This is ideal for those who like the black contrast at a reasonable price. The light pieces are finished in clear-stain Boxwood as with most sets of chess pieces.

Made in India Handcrafted in India by a firm with excellent craftsmen and no child labor, you can enjoy these responsibly sourced chess pieces will be enjoyed for years. If pieces are ever lost or broken, just contact Chess House. That’s just one of the many benefits of buying from a store that will recognize your set and be able to replaces pieces in most cases many years later.

Board Dimension

  • Board size: 19″
  • Square size: 2″
  • Mahogany and Birch veneer finish
  • Made in Poland
  • Felt pads to protect a table surface

Storage Box

  • Box fits all pieces
  • Moveable divider


The Scout chess set with storage is priced at $165.00 USD inclusive of FREE shipping to 48 states in the America.

Click here to buy now

2. 21″ Ambassador Wooden Chess Set

Large, ornate and stylish, the 21 inch “Ambassador” is a unique chess set cherished by anyone that loves chess. Special chess piece styling with opposing king and queen colors, along with unique, “western style” rope etching add an extra level of appeal to an already impressive decorative chess set your loved one will cherish. Detailed pieces are individually safeguarded in formed compartments inside the folding chess board, held securely shut with two brass clasps. Number and letter “algebraic” coordinates adorn the boarders, a rarity on wooden chess sets.


  • Board size: 20 3/4″
  • Square size: 2″


  • King height: 4 1/4″
  • King base: 1 1/2″
  • King weight:: 1.2 oz
  • Pawn height: 2 1/8″
  • Chess pieces weight: 24.6 oz.


This 21” Ambassador Wooden Chess set is priced at $129.95 USD and is inclusive if FREE shipping to 48 states of America. You may choose between white and brown colored pieces or white and black colored pieces. Both of which are beautiful.

Click here to buy now

3. German Staunton Chess Set Combo With Storage

Need an affordable chess set and box combo in the timeless German Staunton style? Here’s a chess set that’s ideal for studying the game at home. Players of any age will enjoy the feel of these well made wooden pieces as they slide across the board. The storage box helps keep all those pieces complete and away from potential pets. Choose a board from the list of available wood types with or without notation coordinates and customize it to your liking.

The pieces are carved by master artisans from quality boxwood and nicely weighted for a fantastic chess playing experience. They are finished with a protective clear stain. Felt bases protect a chessboard and enhance the smooth playing quality. The mahogany wood chessboard is smoothly finished and offers coordinates that help in recording games on chess notation books or replaying and reviewing your own games or those of famous players.

Finally, the perfectly sized wood box, completes your entire chess set as a storage safe combo. If a piece replacement is ever needed, just as Chess House.


  • King height: 3 7/8″ (3.88″ | 98mm)
  • King base: 1 3/8″ (1.38″ | 36mm)
  • King weight: 2.2 oz
  • Pawn height: 2″ (49mm)
  • Pawn base: 1 1/8″ (1.13″ | 28.5mm)
  • Pieces Set Weight: 33 oz
  • 34 Chessmen – Extra queens for pawn promotion
  • Green cloth felt bases


  • Board size: 19″
  • Square size: 2″
  • Mahogany and Birch veneer finish
  • Made in Poland
  • Felt pads to protect a table surface


  • Interior dimensions 8.6″ x 5″ x 3″ (including lid space)
  • Movable divider


The German Staunton Chess set with storage is priced at $165.00 USD inclusive of FREE shipping to 48 states in America.

Click here to buy now

4. 19″ English Chess Set with Pullout Storage Drawers

best chess set with storage

Stained Wood Board with Inlay and Pull-Out Drawer for Storage of Pieces. This deluxe set has been tastefully crafted in English style, from the black-stained wood board with charming inlay and storage space, to the weighted and hand polished Kari and black stained wood chessmen.




  • Board size: 20″ x 19″ x 3″
  • Square size: 2″
  • 2 Black Felted-Bottom Drawers for Storage: 11 1/4″ x 7 1/12″ x 1 3/4″


  • King height: 3 1/2″ (3.5″)
  • King base: 1 5/8″ (1.625″)
  • King weight: 2.2 oz.
  • Pawn height:
  • Set weight: 34.4 oz.
  • Includes 32 Chessmen – 1 Queen per side


This beautiful chess set costs $261.90 USD and is inclusive of FREE shipping to 48 states in the America. The customers are quite happy and satisfied with the English chess set. You may choose between white and brown colored pieces or white and black colored pieces. Both of which are beautiful.

Click here to buy now

5. Timeless Chess Set With Storage Box

The Timeless design has seen play at the highest levels for decades. Here it is paired with one of our most affordable chess boards 19″ Mahogany. With the maple box, it’s a great first or second wooden chess set. Durable hand-carved wooden chessmen are produced by skilled craftsmen in India and felted for a smooth playing experience on the European made wooden chess board.

The Timeless it a wonderful gift in a classic Staunton design that’s easily recognized by new players and a perfect set that combines style and durability. With no sharp points to break, it can withstand years of chess play or study and if pieces are ever lost they can be replaced.


  • King height: 3 3/4″
  • King base: 1 7/16″
  • King weight: 1.7 oz.
  • Set weight: 33 oz.
  • Board size: 19″
  • Square size: 2″
  • Felt-lined Old-World style wooden box with latch closure
  • Crafted from Maple, 11 5/8″ x 9 1/4″ x 2 7/8″

Price: $159.00 USD (Free Shipping)

Click here to buy now

 6. 19″ Classical Wooden Chess Set

The Classical Wooden Chess set was made in Poland.


  • Board size: 19″ x 19″ x 1.2″
  • Board size when folded: 19″ x 9.5″ x 2.4″
  • Square size: 2″
  • King height: 4″
  • King base: 1 1/2″
  • King weight: 0.7 oz
  • Pawn size: 2 5/16″
  • Green felt bases
  • Entire set weight: 59.7 oz

Price: $106.95 USD (FREE Shipping)

Click here to buy now

7. 18″ Indian Wooden Chess Set

The Indian chess set is a high quality chess set made in Poland. It offers a distinctively Indian design with tall, slender pieces in contrasting black and medium woods. At 19″ square it’s relatively large and suitable for use at home or for decorative display. The board features coordinates rarely found on wood chess sets.

Made in Poland.


  • Board size: 18.25″ x 18.25″ x 1.2″
  • Square size: 1 7/8″
  • Board size when folded: 18.5″ x 9.25″ x 2.4″
  • King size: 3 5/8″
  • Pawn size: 2 1/16″
  • Base size: 1 3/16″
  • Green felt bases
  • King weight: 0.3 ounces
  • Set weight: 4.4lb

Pricing: $79.95

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8. Blue & White Alabaster Inlaid Chest

Alabaster chess & checkers with Inalid Wood Chest board. These chess sets will catch the light like no other, and catch the eye like an impressive chess set should. With this beautiful chess set you pay for impressive quality all the way from Italy.

  • Inlaid wood frame
  • King height: 3″
  • King base: 1.13″
  • Board: 13.5″x13.5″ and 2″ thick
  • Squares: 1.5″x1.5″
  • Weight: 12 pounds

Inside Storage


Price: $495.00 USD (FREE shipping)

Click here to buy now

9. 12″ Magnetic Travel Chess Set in Black and Boxwood

When it comes to travel you need a set that’s portable in size with strong magnets to keep the pieces in place. It’s a pleasure to play chess on this set with beautifully crafted wood chessmen and matching board in black and boxwoods. The magnets easily keep the pieces in place on the board even if it’s tilted or bumped while in use. Wood core printed board using new technology means the surface looks amazing, the product is durable, and the cost reasonable. 32 Chessmen are handcrafted in India and finished in black stained along with stained black Boxwood and clear coated Boxwood to display real wood grain.

  • Felted chessboard protects any surface from scratching
  • 12 x 12″ chessboard
  • Individual slots for each piece
  • Protective canvas case with compartments and sturdy zipper
  • Easy to source replacement pieces from Chess House in the future means you’ll never be without a playable set.
  • Chess House logo on carrying case
  • Made in India


  • Storage Case: 13 1/4 x 13 1/4 x 2″ (337 x 337 x 51 mm)
  • Weight: 3.8 lbs


  • Board size:11 7/8 x 11 7/8 x 1/2″ (300 x 300 x 13mm)
  • Square Size: 1 3/16″ (30 mm)
  • Entire base green billiard felted


  • King height: 2 1/4″ (57 mm)
  • King base: 15/16″ (24 mm)
  • King weight: .3 oz
  • Pawn height: 1 3/16″ (30 mm)
  • 32 Chessmen — No extra queen
  • Green cloth felt bases

Price: $69.90 USD (FREE SHIPPING)

 Click here to buy now

10. 15″ Wooden Chess/Checker Set

With piece storage inside, this chess and checker chest is a fun chess set for the home and family. Without the extra detail, it comes at a lower price point than most chess sets with inside storage that includes a felted plastic insert with spots for each piece.

And if a pet ever eats a piece, just request a replacement – that’s just one benefit of ordering with Chess House.

Features and Specs

  • Set Dimensions: 15″ x 15″ x 2.5″
  • Square Size: 1 5/8 (1.63″)
  • King Height: 3 1/8″ (3.13″)
  • King Base: 1 1/8″ (1.13″)
  • King Weight: .95 oz
  • Pawn Height: 1 3/4″ (1.75″)
  • Single Large Drawer Inside Dimensions: 12 3/8″ x 10 1/2″ x 1 1/4″
  • 1″ diameter checkers, No felt on bottoms
  • 32 felted bottom Chessmen – No Extra Queens

Price: $114.50 USD (FREE shipping)

Click here to buy now


Andrew Hercules

Hercules Chess, launched in 2020, is a website that teaches you about chess. We started as a chess blog and became a chess training platform in early 2022.

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