Chess Guides

How To Think Like A Chess Grandmaster: GM’s Thought Process Revealed!

Chess Guides By Andrew Hercules

  In order to play chess like a grandmaster, you first have to develop a system of thinking. Most grandmasters have a sophisticated thought process. In fact, this same thought process is commonly used by the massive of so called super gm’s. It involves two things: Progressive Thinking Reciprocal Thinking As you read further along, […]


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How To Beat The Computer In Chess? Win Everytime!

How To Beat The Computer In Chess? Win Everytime!

By Andrew Hercules

Some articles and resources about computer chess go to great lengths in discussing Internet chess sites, places where you can play chess online. This article, however, won’t be one of them. This omission is deliberate, as online play at its core isn’t terribly different from face to face chess. Subtract the players’ faces, substitute a 2D representation of […]

How To Get Better At Chess: 11 Tips To Improve Your Game

How To Get Better At Chess: 11 Tips To Improve Your Game

By Andrew Hercules

If you want to know how to get better at chess, then you’ve came to the right article. For many years, the great American grandmaster Larry Evans wrote a very popular column in Chess Life magazine. I remember a time when I was reading his column (in which he answered some letters from readers) and […]

50 Chess Terms And Their Meaning: Every Player Should Know

50 Chess Terms And Their Meaning: Every Player Should Know

By Andrew Hercules

When learning about the game of chess, we sometimes stumble upon words and phrases which are difficult to grasp. It’s therefore important that we understand the basic terms and phrases of the chess game if we wish to progress any further in our studies. This will allow us to better interpret analysis, chess books, and […]

How Does A Chess Engine Work? A Guide To How Computers Play Chess

How Does A Chess Engine Work? A Guide To How Computers Play Chess

By Andrew Hercules

It’s not my intent to provide a complete course in how a computer chess engine is programmed. Most readers would find the topic pointless and maybe a little boring. But, to be able to make full use of a digital training and analysis partner, there are a few things that every player who uses a […]

How To Play Chess For Beginners: Ultimate Guide

How To Play Chess For Beginners: Ultimate Guide

By Andrew Hercules

Welcome to my article on How To Play Chess For Beginners. If you are new to chess and you want to know how the game works, then you’ve come to the right post.  Playing chess requires a board. The chessboard has a grid size of 8 by 8, which means that it is precisely divided […]

Chess Strategy - 3 Key Concepts to Know

Chess Strategy - 3 Key Concepts to Know

By Andrew Hercules

Chess strategy is a key factor that makes the game royal and beautiful. Once you make the right opening moves, you and your opponent can begin unfolding new approaches. Soon, the “real chess game” begins and both of you will inevitably be hooked. Everyone loves to study the theory behind opening moves and learn new […]

Chess Castling Rules: Complete Guide

Chess Castling Rules: Complete Guide

By Andrew Hercules

Castling is a special rule that only applies to the king and the rook. Castling allows you to do two important things: Get your king to safety Move your rook out of the corner and into the middle of the game. To castle, you must move the king two squares to one side, and then shift the rook […]

6 Ways to Attack the King: How to Play Attacking Chess

6 Ways to Attack the King: How to Play Attacking Chess

By Andrew Hercules

In chess, the best form of defense is an attack. As a chess player, you must learn how to play attacking chess, since the attack is an integral part of the chess game. When you play the game of chess you should always have an attacking plan and strategy in place. At every turn, you should always be able […]

Is Chess A Game Of Luck Or Logics?

Is Chess A Game Of Luck Or Logics?

By Andrew Hercules

Is Chess a game of luck or logic? In this article, we shall settle this dispute once and for all. Chess is a battle between two players with opposite goals in a limited space of 64 squares. Mathematicians call it a zero-sum game. This means that:  Whatever is good for one side is bad for […]

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