Chess Guides

Why Chess Players Also Make Great Poker Players

Chess Guides By Andrew Hercules

On the face of it, poker and chess are very different games indeed. One is complex, based almost entirely on skill with no luck involved, played in a tense and silent atmosphere. The other is part chance, part skill, where bluster and bluff are as important as the cards in front of you. Oddly, there […]


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Top 10 Mouth-Watering Chess Pie Recipes

Top 10 Mouth-Watering Chess Pie Recipes

By Andrew Hercules

Thanksgiving is a crucial event in many Americans’ homes. It is a period where people gather and recognize the essence of things in life that are often taken for granted. Every day is Thanksgiving Day to me. I usually take every opportunity to give thanks to my family, friends, health, and food. But my Thanksgiving […]

Is There An Unbeatable Chess Strategy?

Is There An Unbeatable Chess Strategy?

By Andrew Hercules

If you’re a chess enthusiast, you most certainly have asked yourself whether there’s an unbeatable chess strategy. This way, you can use this strategy to defeat all the players you face, thereby making you the best player worldwide. If this is what you’ve been searching for, look no further. This guide will answer this question […]

Is Chess For Nerds? Addressing The Misconceptions About Chess

Is Chess For Nerds? Addressing The Misconceptions About Chess

By Andrew Hercules

Several myths are surrounding the game of chess. The most common question asked is, “Is chess a game for nerds?”. Many people believe it is. This article is going to take a look at some common myths about chess people believe in. 1. Chess is for Nerds This is a very common misconception about the […]

How Does Chess Imitate Life?

How Does Chess Imitate Life?

By Andrew Hercules

Chess is a board game with a set of rules that requires concentration and good strategies to play and win. Is this the same as in life? Chess is similar to life itself. The decisions you make as you play with an opponent will either put you at an advantage or disadvantage. The game of […]

Can You Beat Yourself at Chess?

Can You Beat Yourself at Chess?

By Andrew Hercules

Chess is a very interesting board game because it is one of the few sports that allow you to compete against yourself. At first, it seems crazy when someone tells you that you can play against yourself. However, given the way chess is set up, it is possible to compete professionally against yourself and come […]

Can Chess Be Solved? The Old Aged Question

Can Chess Be Solved? The Old Aged Question

By Andrew Hercules

The history of chess dates back to over 1400 years ago. The game developed slowly and as each generation passed, new moves and possible variations were incepted. However, “solving the game” can have different meanings. For instance, when two opponents go against each other and one wins, we can say he managed to solve the […]

Can You Burn Calories By Playing Chess?

Can You Burn Calories By Playing Chess?

By Andrew Hercules

Chess is a board game where players sit and move chess pieces while playing. The game is mentally draining and can go on for days especially if the opponents are grandmasters. Basically, all a chess player has to do is arrive at the gaming venue, make himself comfortable and he is good to go. When […]

How To Win At Chess Every time!

How To Win At Chess Every time!

By Andrew Hercules

When thinking of board games, one of the most common choices that will come to mind is, no doubt, chess. And this shouldn’t be any surprise as this game is equally exciting but requires exceptional focus to win. If beating everyone you face at the game of chess is your desire, then you’re in the […]

How To Play Chess Well: 9 Most Helpful Tips

How To Play Chess Well: 9 Most Helpful Tips

By Andrew Hercules

Every chess player wants to play the game well and be on a long winning streak. World Champion Magnus Carlsen has one of the longest streaks at 125 games unbeaten. Although this milestone does takes a lot of experience and skills, you should note that it is not as challenging as it sounds. But how […]

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