Did you know that the word ‘checkmate‘ originates from the Arabic word ‘shah mat,’ a word which means ‘the king is dead? Chess is a game that has been played for many years by people from all over the world.
Chess players were considered intelligent so much that the top chess players broke the Nazi Enigma code during the Second World War. The fact that chess players are generally considered intelligent may lead to the question, do chess players have good memory?
Do Chess Players Have Good Memory
Yes, chess players have a good memory because chess demands so, especially players who play while blindfolded. Such players completely rely on their memory so they can play right and win.
Furthermore, several studies have proved that memorizing chess board positions is among the best general indicators of the best chess players.
However, besides having a good memory, there are other ways to become a top chess player. Keep reading to find out how you can become a top player of chess.
Create a Chess Library
If you aim to become a chess champ, then having a chess library should be your priority. The library can include books, videos, or any chess material that can help you in your journey towards becoming a chess pro player. Every chess champ has a library of chess materials that they regularly study.
For instance, your chess library can come in handy when facing a Middlegame position since you will implement what you previously saw in one of your chess videos.
To perfect your skill, you can re-watch the video discussing the Middlegame position so you can be better at handling the position and memorize the moves to use them in the future.
Find a Mentor
Mentors are critical in all areas of life, and chess is no different. Finding the right mentor is a huge step toward succeeding in chess. However, as you choose a chess mentor, remember that they are not your coach but your mentor. It is important to differentiate between a mentor and a coach because; a mentor does not perform a coach’s duties, like giving you homework and assignments.
Even though the mentor does not give you homework and assignments, they perform other useful duties like being there for you if you need someone to talk to about your chess struggles.
You can discuss with your mentor all your difficulties, failures and successes. As you talk to them, you can ask for their valuable advice. Since they have tons of chess experience, your mentor is the best person to ask for advice. Remember that your mentor should be more successful than you, even though they may not be a grandmaster or a master player.
Practice with Competitive Chess
After having your chess library, the next crucial step to becoming great at chess is practice. Many newbie chess players make the mistake of thinking that playing online chess is part of the practice. Playing online chess is okay since it can serve as an alternative for over-the-board chess, but it is not the kind of practice we are talking about here.
A good chess practice must involve face-to-face competition. Besides helping you concentrate on your chess game, a face-to-face chess competition helps you play your best.
Online chess lacks the grandmasters and the masters who only become masters from playing over the board chess. You can play online chess for fun, but to become a chess champ, always practice your skills and work on your memory by participating in board chess.
Balance the Elements
It is important to put effort into all chess elements so you don’t lag when it comes to some aspects. Some of the elements of chess include harmony, space, time, and force.
One of the most effective ways of ensuring you balance all elements is by following the 2:4:4 rule. The rule states that 20% of your time should go on openings, while the endgame and middlegame should both get 40% of your time if you are a player rated below 2000.
This rule helps chess players balance the elements because it is very easy to forget some elements and only focus on others if there is no rule to follow.
To become a better chess player and improve your memory, you should always play practice games, analyze the game, and never ignore any game element.
Conclusion – Is Chess Just Memorization?
Hopefully, this article has helped answer your concern about whether all chess players have a good memory.
Even though the ability to memorize board positions is one key factor that makes chess champs, this does not mean that ordinary people cannot play chess. With practice and determination, anyone can become a good chess player whether they have a special memory or normal memory. You can implement the above tips and be on your way to become the best chess players of our time.